Career Resource Center

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

The Career Resource Centre (CRC) at Life Directions is available to anyone in the community – free of charge! Drop-in for all of your job search and career development needs. Available resources include: Computers Internet access Printer Scan Fax Local job boards Community resources Job coaches Network with other job seekers! Hours: Monday – Friday, …


Career Resource Center

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

The Career Resource Centre (CRC) at Life Directions is available to anyone in the community – free of charge! Drop-in for all of your job search and career development needs. Available resources include: Computers Internet access Printer Scan Fax Local job boards Community resources Job coaches Network with other job seekers! Hours: Monday – Friday, …


jobPath Workshop

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

This week's focus: Skill sets and job preferences. Personal development focus: Self-esteem/healthy relationships The jobPath Workshop is a free, 11-week program, in which participants can take part in a series of self-discovery practices and learn more about how to handle personal barriers and self-advocate. Key topics include: Getting to know yourself What does the path …


Beaver Valley Ski Club Facility Tour

Beaver Valley Ski Club 100 Pioneer Drive, Markdale, Ontario, Canada

Life Directions and Beaver Valley Ski Club are working together to provide a tour of the ski club facility. The participants shall walk the grounds and learn about the different jobs within the club. The fall season is the busiest in ski/snowboarding facilities for hiring new employees. There is no free to participate in this …


Light It Up!

Participate with us in Light It Up! For NDEAM®! during National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and shine a light on how people who have a disability help companies to be successful and competitive. There’s no other event quite like this one for NDEAM! It’s more than a night, more than an event. It’s a …


jobPath Workshop

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

This week's focus: Goal setting & defining personal network Personal development focus: Self-esteem/Healthy relationships The jobPath Workshop is a free, 11-week program, in which participants can take part in a series of self-discovery practices and learn more about how to handle personal barriers and self-advocate. Key topics include: Getting to know yourself What does the …


Blue Mountain Job Fair

Markdale Complex, 75 Walker St,Markdale,ON 75 Walker Street, Markdale, Ontario, Canada

If you love winter and want a position where "playtime" is encouraged, that offers competitive wages, flexible scheduling, great perks, benefits & social events, then come to this job fair! If you're looking for a fall or winter position, or even just want to find out more about working at Blue Mountain, this is the …


jobPath Workshop

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

This week's focus:  Job search/Define professional networks Personal development focus: Finance **Juanita from CRA/United Way financial planning will be joining us for a Zoom call** The jobPath Workshop is a free, 11-week program, in which participants can take part in a series of self-discovery practices and learn more about how to handle personal barriers and …


jobPath Workshop

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

This week's focus:  Resume creation/digital profile Personal development: Digital literacy & online safety The jobPath Workshop is a free, 11-week program, in which participants can take part in a series of self-discovery practices and learn more about how to handle personal barriers and self-advocate. Key topics include: Getting to know yourself What does the path …


Rethinking Disability Conference

Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel 600 Highway 7, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Life Directions will be participants in the ODEN disability conference. This conference is designed for employment service agencies and businesses from across Ontario, to enhance their professional development, increase capacity, and learn new skills to apply to their services and inclusive hiring processes. **This year ODEN has added a Business Sector Stream on Tuesday November …

International Men’s Day

The International Men's Day objectives are given as: To promote positive male role models: not just movie stars and sports men but everyday, working-class men who are living decent, honest lives. To celebrate men’s positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and the environment. To focus on men’s health and well-being: social, emotional, …

jobPath workshop

Life Directions Employment Center 774292 Hwy 10 N, Flesherton, ON, Canada

This week's focus: Interview Preparation Personal focus: Personal hygiene & how to dress for success  The jobPath Workshop is a free, 11-week program, in which participants can take part in a series of self-discovery practices and learn more about how to handle personal barriers and self-advocate. Key topics include: Getting to know yourself What does …
