
Driver's Training for All Returns!

Driver's Training for All Returns!

Hi Job Seekers!

In-Class group Driver's Training is returning! Please see our Events Calendar for the updated dates, time, and place for this training.

This 4-day course is built to provide students with skills and in-car hours to obtain their G1 License. The requirements to earn the Driver's Training certificate are as follows:

  • 20 hours of in-class learning
  • Completing all assigned homework (estimated to take 10 hours)
  • 10 hours of in-car training with a driving instructor
  • Must pass quizzes with a grade of 70% or higher

This course also includes training on safety skills like defensive driving, pro-active driving and evasive maneuvers, skid control, and collision prevention. The aim with this course is to prepare new drivers to be safe and aware while driving to prevent as many mishaps as possible. Defensive driving is very important to avoiding accidents and mishaps, so be sure to join the course if you would like training on how to stay safe!

If you would like more information on the course or need assistance to register, please contact your career advisor. Job seekers can be reimbursed for this training after the certificate is earned and it is submitted to us.

Registration Link: https://worldclassdrivingconsulting.com/flesherton/

Events Calendar: https://www.lifedirections.ca/events/


Image by Pexels, blog post written by Rose Bishop (LDE)


Our funders from left to right: Employment Services, The Government of Canada, Employment Ontario, The Government of Ontario, Opportunities Fund, and South East Grey Support Services.




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