***Alert! We are splitting the Newsletters so you will only get relevant information. This is the Business Engagement Newsletter. If you are a Job Seeker and still want updates, please contact us and we will send you the Job Seeker Newsletter.***
Upcoming Events!
Last Confidence and Awareness Learning for Business Owners and Senior Business Leaders:Sept 11 is the final virtual date for the 1pm-3pm crash course in Confidence and Awareness Learning leading up to the in-person training in the fall. Reserve your spot now with our Business Engagement Specialist!
After 5 Community Event:The next After 5 Business Networking Event will be at Garage 13 in Eugenia from 6-8pm on August 27. We hope to see you there!
Summerfolk Festival Community Village: Summerfolk Festival is showcasing more local businesses and non-profits from August 16-18! For more information and to register, please visit their website here. This is a yearly festival at Kelso Beach Park in Owen Sound.
For more information, please see our Events Calendar and Blog!
For Anishinaabeg/Ojibweg in South Grey, August is Raspberry Picking Moon, Miskominike-Giizis! Image Credit
Life Directions Updates
See the changes we're making to better help you achieve your goals.
Portal Redesign: We are revamping the portal and its functionality in the coming months! We are aiming to have it done by the Fall and there will be one big update all at once.
Slight Name Change: We are switching to Life Directions Employment, or LDE, for our name. This is so people know what we do when they hear our name. When you see this new name around, rest assured that this is still us 🙂
Separate Newsletters: We are separating the Job Seeker and Business Engagement newsletters! This is the first month we are making this change, so if you receive the wrong newsletter but would still like to get updates, please contact us and we'll make sure you get the right one. The information in the new newsletter will be more tailored job seekers and employers.
Pretty cream-coloured wallpaper design with green flowers and white bubbles. Image Credit
Resource Corner
Resources available to you through Life Directions Employment, the greater Grey Bruce Community, and helpful online resources. Please contact our Business Engagement Specialist if you are interested in any of the trainings listed!
Inclusivity Self-Assessment: Gauge your understanding of inclusive practices and identify areas for improvement using CASE's Free Tool!
Mental Health First Aid Training: Learn to identify and provide early intervention for mental health issues, supporting recovery and resilience. Created and Facilitated by CMHA.
Dimensions of Neurodiversity Training for Teams: A workshop with Sara Clarke and Kimberly Van Ryn (Branching Out Support Services) to foster inclusive environments for neurodiverse customers and team members.
Mental Health and Wellness for the Workplace: Developed with TEMA Foundation to recognize and respond to mental health injuries in the workplace. Facilitated bu St John's Ambulance.
Letting Go of Judgment: Transformative workshop focused on embracing diversity and releasing judgment for a more inclusive workplace. Facilitated by The Space Between with Alicia.
Picture of old book spines, they look well-used. Image Credit
Community Partners
Read about some of our Partners! If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact our Business Engagement Specialist.
ODEN: We Partner with the Ontario Disability Employment Network to bring invaluable training to Employers at either a subsidized rate or free! For their training schedules, please see their calendar here.
CASE: The Canadian Association for Supported Employment are the creators of our MentorAbility Program and NDEAM! Check out their event calendar here.
Three: Quick blurb and a website and blog post if applicable
Add a shout out here if a community partner has helped our network this month. Ie Foodland donating food to Men's Group
Picture of a white hand with blue nail polish moving to pet a white and orange cat. The cat looks happy. Image Credit
Featured Items
MentorAbility is a program to help match job seekers and employers. This can allow employers to see how a job seeker interacts with the other employees and potential clients, their willingness to complete job tasks and learn processes, and a glimpse their interests and current skills. This can be an invaluable experience for job seekers, as it allows them to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and what they'd like to do for employment. Employment is not necessarily the goal of a Mentorship and by agreeing to Mentor a job seeker, you are not agreeing to hire them. Employers are free to extend a job offer after a Mentorship if they would like, but it is not expected.
Canadian Association for Supported Employment Logo
MentorAbility Ontario Logo
Featured Article: CASE's Universal Design in the Workplace. This article outlines not just the important of an accessible Universal Design Model, but also what that looks like. They describe goals to aim for when creating an accessible workspace, this can be used in combination with this Inclusivity Self-Assessment to gauge how accessible your business is to your staff and clients.
July Highlights
2/3 ODEN Information Sessions: We completed the second Confidence and Awareness Learning session on July 10! Thank you to everyone who attended. If you would like more information, please see our blog here.
After 5 at Boar Rock Garlic Farm: We met with some businesses at Boar Rock Garlic Farm for their hosted After 5 Networking Event. It was lovely to meet new people and speaking with old colleagues.
See something you missed but want to attend? Contact us to let us know you're interested!
For Anishinaabeg/Ojibweg in South Grey, July was Blueberry Moon, Miinan-Giizis! Did you know, blueberry seeds need to be frozen for 3 months before they can grow. Image Credit
Disability Awareness Month: Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis affects a person's ability to digest food and often leads to abdominal pain, dehydration and malnutrition/nutrient deficiencies, nausea and vomiting, tooth decay, abnormal blood sugar levels, and fluctuating weight.
Remote Work Options: This can help people manage their symptoms. This can be eating frequently and going for a walk or laying down after eating.
Flexible Breaks while working on-site: These breaks can also help people manage their symptoms and complete their rituals to help keep their symptoms in-check.
Flexible Scheduling: People with Gastroparesis can have many doctor's appointments and may require flexible hours to accommodate this. The medications to help manage their symptoms can have some very unpleasant side effects. Employees should be given the space to test and acclimate to their meds, and flexible scheduling can allow for that.
Working in a Comfortable Place: People with Gastroparesis may vomit at work and their placement within their job should be sensitive to this. They should be afforded dignity even when sick, and so putting their work station near a washroom and away from people in the office with sensitivities to vomit may be a request.
If one of your employees needs an accommodation and you would like assistance navigating the process and understanding your obligations, please reach out to our Business Engagement Specialist. We would love to hear from you and guide you through this process!
As well as the weekly calendar below, Rose is in the Life Directions Employment Office in Flesherton at 774292 Hwy 10 N all week from 9am to 4pm. Please feel free to drop in and she'll do what she can to help you.
1PM - 4PM
Life Directions Office
774292 Hwy 10 N Box 12,
Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0
Hanover 10AM - 4PM
LaunchPad YTC
612 10th St
Hanover, ON N4N 1R9
Meaford 10AM - 5PM
Meaford Public Library
11 Sykes St N
Meaford, ON N4L 1V6
Dundalk 10AM - 4PM
Erskine Community Health Centre
90 Artemesia Street South
Dundalk, ON N0C1B0
Markdale 10AM - 4PM
South Grey Community Health CTR
55 Victoria Avenue
Markdale, ON N0C1H0