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Did you know that 1 in 6 people have a disability? Did you know that businesses with inclusive cultures grow profits up to 3x faster than their competitors and experience …...
Life Directions Employment can help support eligible job seekers to visit with an Occupational Therapist. Our close community partner, Davis Occupational Therapy, has worked with many of our job...
On July 25, Life Directions Employment went with 6 Job Seekers to Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre! We want to give a huge thank you to Gretel, the Hope Haven …...
The Southgate Public Library (Ruth Hargrave Memorial) in Dundalk is hosting a free Digital Literacy Course for anyone to attend. Accessing and staying safe online is so important to not …...
Hi Job Seekers! In-Class group Driver's Training is returning! Please see our Events Calendar for the updated dates, time, and place for this training. This 4-day course is built to …...
Life Directions is hosting Men's Group every Wednesday from September 11 to October 16. Meet your facilitator: Ron Farino is a local outdoorsman who has over 15 years' experience in …...
Hi Job Seekers! We have more information for you on the Hope Haven Mentorship! Just a reminder, this is only available to current Life Directions Employment Job Seekers. When: July …...
Life Directions Employment has partnered with ODEN (Ontario Disability & Employment Network) to provide employers with specialized Disability Awareness and Confidence Learning for Business Owners...
We have had another successful round of Job Path Workshops for youth! This 11 week series ended with the Great Marshmallow Challenge, which included Walkerton and Flesherton students and young …...