Life Directions NewsletterFeb 2024 What's New:
SPOTLIGHT We're thrilled to welcome Monica Singh Soares as our Events Facilitator and Job Coach, starting January 2024. Monica's passion for event facilitation and commitment to guiding others in their careers align perfectly with our mission. We're excited about the positive impact she will bring to our team and community. Welcome Monica! Pre-Employment Corner JobPath Workshops COME VISIT US! MENTORSHIP CORNER Each month you will experience an opportunity to view a snapshot of one of our active job-seekers available for a mentorship experience. This profile (you can see shared below) will include a brief overview of their experience, availability, skill sets and their specific mentorship interests. A mentorship can vary in the execution and purpose and is not a paid position or a guarantee of employment. Mentorship opportunities allow for job-seekers to dip their toes in a workplace environment they take an interest in, they are able to tour the facilities, job shadow an employee, try some hands on work and ask questions. The major benefit of this interaction is for employers to gauge the job-seeker for a paid position and/or to offer advice and support. A successful mentorship is a gateway for job-seekers to understand their next steps such as; additional education, offering volunteer services, obtaining certifications, etc. Life Directions are the facilitators behind the mentorships and in partnership with the Canadian Association for Supported Employment and MentorAbility Ontario, we are fully insured to have our job-seekers on-site. However, please keep in mind that an interview-style zoom meeting would suffice for some job-seekers in order to ask general questions about your business/organization. Thank you Josie for being our first job-seeker to have their mentee profile submitted for viewing!